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Literarisches & Kulinarisches von Anglern für Angler

Moderator: Thomas Kalweit

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Aus gegebenem Anlass

Beitrag von Hartmut » 26 Jan 2006 16:32

kamen mir diese Zeilen in den Sinn!

I have waited with a long rod
And suddenly pulled a gold-greenish, lucent fish
from below,
And had him fly like a halo round my head, Lunging in the air on the line.

Unhooked his gorping, water-horny mouth, And seen his horror-tilted eye, His red-gold, water-precious, mirror-flat bright eye; And felt him beat in my hand, with his muscous,
leaping lifethrob.

And my heart accused itself
Thinking: I am not the measure of creation.
This is beyond me, this fish.
His God stands outside my God.

And the gold-and-green pure lacquer-muscous comes
off my hand,
And the red-gold mirror-eye stares and dies, And the water-suave contour dims.

But not before I have had to know
He was born in front of my sunrise,
Before my day.

He outstarts me.
And I, a many-fingered horror of daylight to him, Have made him die.


D.H. Lawrence

…geschrieben am Zeller See, unter dem Eindruck des 1. Weltkriegs


Aus gegebenem Anlass

Beitrag von Streamer » 27 Jan 2006 00:16

Thank you very much Hartmut, well done


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